I regret not knowing these 10 Google search tricks sooner, they are so advanced


By the time you read two or three words of this very sentence, Google would have processed more than 40,000 search queries. 

That means, there are more than 3.5 billion Google searches happening every day. 

People search literally everything on Google. 

Funny google searches 1
Funny google searches 2
Funny google searches 3

You see….everything!

In this blog, let me help you to get better at Google search.

1. Use Boolean Operators

Using “AND” in-between two words fetches web pages that have both terms. 

For Instance, if you search “dogs AND cats“, it shows all the web pages that have both the words “dogs” and “cats”.

Google search tricks - dogs and cats

Likewise, if you use “OR” in-between words, it fetches all the websites that have either of the two words.

Google search ticks - dogs or cats

You can also use the pipe symbol “|” instead of using the word “OR”.

2. Be more specific

Minus symbol on Google search filters websites that have the specific word. 

Apple as a company - advanced Google search tricks

For example, intending to search Apple as a company and to filter Apple as a fruit, you can use this.

3. Search within a specific site

What if you have a search engine which can search anything within a specific website?

This query can do that. It’s simple and handy.

All you have to do is, type Site:[website]





You can also search for a specific keyword on a specific website. 

Search within a specific site

4. Search Specific File Types

Let’s say that you want a pdf file related to a particular topic.

You can effectively extract only pdf files with the keyword.

Search specific file type on Google

Interesting right?

You can also fetch pdf files from a specific website by using the previous Google search trick.

5. Find similar websites

Ever wonder how many websites are out there similar to Amazon? 

Please don’t think. 

Use “related” to find it.

Find related websites on Google - Example Amazon

You can do this with any website. 

Here is another example.

Find related websites on Google

6. Use Google calculator

You don’t need a separate application to solve your math problems.

Use Google Calculator

Just type your math in the Google search bar. It gets you the answer in a snap of a second.

7. Location-specific search

Use the pin code to search for anything in that location. 

Location specific search in Google

8. Search between two numbers

Let’s say that you need an Android phone priced between 5000 to 10,000, you can find it in Google instead of browsing and filtering in multiple steps. 

Use two periods to set the range. 

Google Search Number Range

9. Check the definition of a word

Accessing the hardcopy dictionary is passe now.

Type define:[word] to get definitely, synonyms, antonyms, etymology and much more. 

Find definition of words on Google

10. Search on page titles

You don’t have to dig deep into the content to get a relevant Google search result. 

All it takes is to find the right page title.

If your search term is in the title of a webpage, it must have the appropriate content that you are looking for. 

You can search for a keyword on the page title using “intitle“.

Google search keywords in urls
Google search terms in meta title

Final thoughts

Google has changed the use of the word “search” by itself. Whenever we get to search for something on Google, we don’t say hey am going to search that on Google.

What do you say?

Yup, you are right.

Hey, am going to Google it.

I hope this blog helps to do it in a better way.

If you find these Google tricks and tips cool, share them with your friends whom do you think are valuable.

About the author

Praveen Simon
